2009年1月6日 星期二



This problem occurs in VS2008.

Basically this problem results from a missing key file (at least as far as I'm concerned).
As a result, if you still have problems after reading the documentation of MS help, try
copy the key file you generated with the strong name tool to the "bin" directory which
is probably under the MSRDS directory after you installed.

1. Generate the key file with SN (Strong Name) tool:
    開啟 Visual Studio.NET 命令提示字元,然後再輸入下列命令: sn-k key.snk

2. Put the key file in your project directory:
    In fact, you only have to put in your project directory and change the path in "AssemblyInfo.cs" to indicated it like
    [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("Mykey.snk")] 

3. If it still doesn't work out, try to put the key file to the "bin" directory.

